The Kalem Society

Comic Genesis

Comic Genesis might not be the center of activity it once was, but they made it possible for a lot of great comic authors to produce their work. Check them out.

HERO Games

The Kalem Society is based on a home-brewed HERO campaign I played with my friends from college. I've played a lot of RPGs. A lot. I like a variety of games, and of course the system isn't really as important as finding the right group and the right GM, but HERO (aka Champions) is my favorite system, to play or to run. If you're a gamer, I strongly recommend giving it a try.

Read Lovecraft's work on The H. P. Lovecraft Archive
Read about Lovecraft's life on Wikipedia
Check out other fan created works through The H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society (which has no connection to this comic or this site)

The Kalem Society comic is really only very loosely inspired by the works of H. P. Lovecraft and in many ways the tone and themes are antithetical to his Cthulhu Mythos. However, the Mythos authors have clearly been inspirational to me and as famous as Lovecraft's work is, I actually think it's under appreciated. The whole internet has heard of Cthulhu, seen on t-shirts, posters, and even in plush form, but I'd guess that the number of people who have actually read "The Call of Cthulhu" is significantly smaller. So check it out. Lovecraft can be a bit... wordy, but if you like some his many imitators then you might like him too. A lot of his work is in the public domain, and isn't hard to find. Of course, Lovecraft's views on race are not just problematic, they're detestable, so be wary of the racist subtext in many of his stories.

YouTube video of Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy"

This comic is based on an RPG campaign. That game actually had a theme song – Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy." For us, it was sort of like the opening theme of a television series. Once my friend came up with the idea, it really helped the group get started. I think most campaigns could benefit from a theme song to set the mood and to signal the group that it's time to start the game.

Websites and Blogs

From the Desk of Mark T. Hrisho
The SCP Foundation
The Wanderer's Library
Welcome to Night Vale from Commonplace Books

Web Comics

The Devil's Panties
Geebas on Parade (on hiatus)
Guilded Age
Star Power Comics


Misbehavin' Maidens
Pirates for Sail
Pyrates Royale
Scales and Crosstones
Sea Witch Leather

copyright © Christopher J. Russo 2008-2019

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